When I read scripture about how Jesus, God himself, ministered to other men & women, I am inspired. Jesus broke multiple taboos and societal barriers, reaching the outcasts of society who needed to know Him most. I am inspired but seriously lack faith in modeling such compassion and love. When I pass by a homeless person, even though my compassion is stirred, I'm still held back by feelings of awkwardness and a belief that I am inadequate to help them. I am a clumsy lover, one inhibited by insecurity, apathy and sometimes cynicism. That is why I read scripture documenting Jesus' ministry and am inspired. In traditional, patriarchal Jewish society, Jesus never hesitated in ministering to children, tax collectors, women, the infirm, or the lepers because it would be awkward and uncomfortable.
This summer at NYCUP I want to learn how to love better; to take the boldness God has gifted me with to do hard things and to apply it in everyday acts of love and compassion. I want to become more like the person who best modeled love, and I believe that is Jesus.
Karen Chien
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