Sunday, June 21, 2009

Keep Up With NYCUP

Bunk beds are on the way, plane and train tickets are booked, and students are excited to move into the NYCUP House to reflect the Kingdom of God in Washington Heights and beyond.

Students attending this summer are:

Jennifer Wang, CU'10
Sara Narai Bai, CU 2012
Karen Chien, NYU 2011
Sharon Kim, NYU 2011
Winston Tse, St. John's 2011
Jason Hsieh, NYU 2011
Lucy Herz, CU 2011
Hei-Yue Pang, CU 2010
Joy Lee, CU 2012
Briana Wong, CU 2012
Craig Tian, NYU 2010

I am also thrilled that Kathryn Siegmund, Adelphi Graduate and NYCUP '07, will be joining me as Assistant Director this summer.

You can follow what's happening with the Summer Project on and keep up with the students on the BLOG.

The NYCUP House is located in the heart of Washington Heights and with a 3-stories, 6-bedrooms and a full backyard aims to be a fixture of gospel driven community for years to come. Please keep the students and I in your prayers that the won't just be people doing programs, but disciples following Jesus with hearts open and broken for His people.

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