I arrived at the House on Sunday at 2:55 pm. It was more like a 'settle-in' day, where we all began to adjust to the environment, and got to know each other. Almost everyone arrived on that day, except for Brianna, Joy and Sara. Brianna arrived the next day at 6:45 am. Sara and Joy are supposed to arrive on Wed, 7/8. Pray that they get here safe and sound.
The second day here at the House, or the first "official" day of NYCUP, was full of introductions, deeper introductions, and even "deeper" introductions. Through these deep introductions, I've come to realize just how amazing it is that God has brought each and everyone from different backgrounds, to come and serve the community. Truly, God had great plans for us and this community. Can't wait to see what happens.
Besides the introductions, we were also given chores. We were split into two small groups and we mainly in charge of dinner and bathroom cleanup, or lunch and dinner clean up. My small group is in charge of dinner. As a result, we went out to the community and explored the different grocery stores.
While we were on our exploration, we witnessed a drug bust. It was like watching some scene on NYPD Blue except it was real and very serious. An SUV charged right at the corner of the block. Two plain-clothes officers charged right out of the SUV, and pummeled the drug dealers to the floor. Seeing such action before my eyes made me realize just how lively this community can be. Despite having such dangerous events, the community is pretty lively in a positive way. Families would get together, and neighbors would just hang out. Or party like during the 4th of July.
We eventually got our groceries and cooked a great meal. We cooked enchiladas and chicken. At one point, the enchiladas caught on fire. Apparently, we were supposed to put aluminum foil over it to the cheese wouldn't catch on fire so easily. Fortunately, Jonathan swooped in, pulled out the enchiladas, and put out the fire in the backyard. Overall, we had a great meal. And it was the first time I cooked chicken, with the rest of the group of course. Couldn't have done it without them and my Mom. Mom gave me crash course before I left.
Today was the second official day. we had two guests, Greg Jao and Carolyn Carney, come over and help us out as we got ready for out internships. Greg did a mini Bible study with us on Exodus chapter 2. From there, we talked about our different strengths and how some of them could be applied during the next few weeks. Carolyn shared with us her thoughts on prayer and how we could pray to God to help us.
After, we had Dominican food for lunch. After lunch, we went on a walking tour or Washington Heights. I really noticed the changed that occurred as we were walking. For example, one section of the community would be full of Latinos, while on the other side of the community there would be a series of Columbia University buildings, Starbucks, etc. If is kind of like how Soho would suddenly transition into Chinatown, or vice-versa, within a few feet of each other. More on that next time.
Later in the evening we saw the Broadway show, 'In the Heights', as a way to learn more about the Heights, and to just have fun before we all get busy the next day.
Overall, it was a good show. It portrayed quite well the way of life in the Heights. The ending was a big anti-climatic but it was a good day.
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