As NYCUP is starting to wind down, I have been doing a lot of thinking: What more can I do in the life that I am living in? Throughout these past weeks, many issues have been raised, issues that I was not even aware of. Some of these issues are of the homeless, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking.
Definitely, something needs to be done. I’m glad God is at work. The many different organizations that we are all interning are prime examples that something is being done. But that does not mean that we do not need to care about the issues in our community. If anything we should become more active, especially when we know that something is not right.
These last few days, I have been feeling exactly just that. With all of my knowledge and experience that have gained through NYCUP, I do not believe that I can revert back to my same, exact comfortable life style. That is not to say that I will completely change my whole lifestyle. Instead some part of my lifestyle will have to change.
Although, initially, I felt overwhelmed and burdened from being made aware of all these different issues, I am reminded that all of these issues are not meant for me to bear. Only Jesus Christ can bear all of these problems and make it right.
Of course, knowing this truth doesn’t mean that I can just turn a blind eye. Although I do not need to bear these burdens, I still feel compassionate of what I see right in front of me. Can I simply ignore the things that I see?
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