I went to a small university in West Virginia called Salem International University for my undergrad and coming from Zimbabwe I was exposed to schools and campuses that had Christian Student bodies or groups like Scripture Union (like what Intervarsity represents) that participated in missions around the country, enjoying fellowship while reading the bible, worshiping and helping each person in the groups together with those not in these groups grow in their walk with Christ or minister to those that didn't know Christ. I arrived at the University only to realize they did not have one of these. I was bothered for the longest time then I became complacent to the point where I chose to accept the lie that I couldnt do anything. Yes, I found a small church with loving people that took me in and I now consider as family, but I still did not do anything about our campus. I would minister to those that I associated with but I still had the urge to want to reach out to more people but still didnt, because I allowed fear to hold me back. I wish I could say that I left Salem having started a christian student group, but unfortunately that wouldn't be true. I graduated from Salem and moved to Pittsburgh where i re-discovered my childhood passion to reach out to the less fortunate (hence my starting an organization back home to build orphanages and provide funding for tuition to those dependents of HIV/AIDS victims as well as the underprivileged.
NYCUP has reached out to students providing them the opportunity to serve in the ministry, while growing in their walk with God and being brought to awareness of the injustices of this world, as well being involved in missions that show God's love to communities. I will be studying International Law in particular because I have a passion for preservation of humanity and human rights and NYCUP does so through their fight against human trafficking and modern day slavery amongst other things. To sum it all up, NYCUP has become a source that enables and or teaches students to grow and live their lives not just by hearing the word but doing it and practising it in their everyday lives on and off campus by being involved in different missions that not only affect their campuses but communities, nations and the world as a whole. It stands for what I believe in, which is that anyone can make a difference and it starts with one person, which ive come to understand from the first time I arrived in the US when I was in Salem. And it would be humbling to be a part of this ministry.
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