"Today I got to have an experience I never had before. I got to speak with a man that was homeless and now is a Christian. He helped me to understand that the dirty, ugly, smelly people that I would see in the trains, benches, and floors are real people. They have real feelings. They have real stories. As he told me his story I began to change my view of homeless people with each passing sentence. After my conversation with him, I encountered my first homeless person with my new found perception of homeless people. I got to hear his story and I saw that the first story I heard is not a rare story. Many people on the street experience the same atrocities. Today's experience helped change me to become a better person"
- Baruch Student
"Volunteering at the Love Kitchen helped me to see how God's grace can work through all circumstances. I almost didn't make it to the Love Kitchen becuase I got a bit lost on the train station. A part of me wanted to turn back and go home, but I trusted God that he would some how help me reach my destination. I eventually did make it in time to serve the homeless people some food and talk to some of them. I met and talked with a homeless person named Henry who told me quite a life story. He explained to me how he got a virus stuck in his throat when he was younger and how he could hardly breathe ever since than. It was amazing to see how he has such a deep faith in Christ even though he had suffered so much in his life. He told me how it was his faith in Christ that gave him strength to keep on living each day. I also met two other homeless people, but unfortunately I couldn't get the chance to have a long term conversation with them like I did with Henry. I'll take the blame for that since this was really my first time talking to homeless people. I've learned from my mistakes and my experiences at the Love Kitchen and I hope by God's grace I will be able to return there someday to serve again."
- John Woo, Baruch
I had a really nice experience. Today I learned that homeless people are more than that. They are humans with the same needs as rich people. For some reason, or a bad experience, they decided to live their life like that, and although we forget about them, God is always thinking about them. A superior being, and what about us? We should definitely take some time to talk to these people, because they have so much to say.
-- Baruch Student
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